10 Things to do Instead of Aimless Scrolling

  1. Read a book

Whether you've been influenced by book-tok or not, it's official - reading is cool again. You'll have seen multiple Colleen Hoover book covers by now to know that being the arty romantic is the new "It Girl" way of life. So when you're done taking a pic of your book and storying it, go read. Give your imagination a wild ride.

2. Give your cupboards some TLC

Without sounding like a 1950s patriarch there is something special about organising cupboards. I love taking everything out, sorting it into neat piles, and tidying it away the exact same way - only with an added sense of accomplishment. I'm definitely not a Stacey Soloman or Mrs. Hinch organiser but regardless, it can feel incredible to declutter and donate.

3. Work on something you’ve been putting off

This can be anything. Something I've been putting off is doing some e-learning courses. And this doesn't have to be work-related or intense academic modules. There are courses for everything, I plan to do some on well-being and mindfulness this year. P.S using your laptop or iPad for this doesn't count when trying to avoid your phone.

4. Get creative and start to journal

Writing with pen and paper is a different sort of feeling than anything you can achieve with a phone or stylus. You never know what emotions can pour out of you when you write. I have journals that are sprawling messes covering the past 10 years of my life. And the DRAMA that they cover. It's movie worthy.

5. Practice your skincare routine

As the sister of a salon owner, and an employee of a laser aesthetics clinic, it is embarrassing to admit that my skincare routine existed of moisturiser and makeup wipes. There was no 10-step routine I followed. Gradually, this is changing and I've added The Ordinary products to my roster. If you're better than me, practicing skincare is ten times better than scrolling.

6. Gym, walk, run… get moving

Sometimes I really don't like adding this piece of advice to my posts purely because it's on every listicle for bettering yourself and I don't want to pressure anyone. But I finally get why it is on these lists. My favourite gym class is a 30-minute Combat class where I don't have to think of my phone or anything else except for how uncoordinated I am. And it's the best thing.

7. Write a bucket list

This feeds in nicely from the journal option. I tasked myself with writing a bucket list and I really struggled to think of 10 things I wanted to do in my lifetime. I know my golden ticket item is visiting Mount Rushmore and I've already been to San Fransisco. So what else? Actually thinking about what's important to you is a great exercise and adds another level of challenge by not using your phone for ideas.

8. Spend IRL time with your friends and family

This may be too forward-thinking but how about ditching your phone and spending some time with the real people around you? There is nothing like long overdue catch-ups, coffee dates, and walking trips without the filter.

9. Bored? Play board games

Board games are so much more than they used to be. They have evolved from chess, Scrabble, and Monopoly to Cards Against Humanity (and the countless add-ins this brand has created) with even an entire game dedicated to identifying brand logos. Board and card games are a great way to pass time and have a lively debate with your friends and family - who needs the comments section?

10. Do nothing, but without your phone

You don't have to do anything. Sit still, look out the window, and daydream - just don't look at your phone. Sometimes I experience phantom notifications when I think my phone has vibrated and there is nothing there. I am constantly waiting for something to appear and if it doesn't I go scrolling. That's a habit so many of us face. Break it and hopefully, we can start to reduce our screen times.


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RIP Delilah