Good Vibes

The O Word was designed to be a space to share my thoughts, opinions and musings. The purpose being my love and interest in writing so for my own enjoyment I will be publishing short stories and blogs inspired by writing prompts. These are designed to test your creative writing skills and are a tool often used by writers to spark ideas. So, it’s something I want to try my hand and plan to cover topics I’d tend to stay away from. But first up, I am starting with “Good Vibes” .

But first, bad vibes

At the start of this year I had an existential crisis, I made a terrible career move that resulted in tears, unhappiness and self-doubt. I didn’t think I was any good at my job, I thought I had wasted the past 5 years of my life in marketing for nothing. Did I even want to be a marketer? I thought I wanted to be a journalist or a literary critic (lol). I was in a really bad way especially because the new job I was in had only been a short time (5 months) I felt like I couldn’t leave because it would look terrible on my CV and who would want to employ someone who couldn’t stick it out? Queue more tears.

But then one day it all got better, I left an awful situation and went back to my previous employer. I got my confidence back and since April I feel massively back on track in my career journey. I love working in marketing, it’s one of the best jobs out there due to the variety of roles we can get involved in.


What this experience taught me however was how important it is for our happiness to be content and comfortable in our jobs. Like it or not but our job is so massively linked to our identity, I don’t want to coast in my job and not develop myself personally. The whole point of employment is progression for both the company and you. So, with this area back on track in my life it lead me to think about what else makes me happy in my life outside of the screen. And it was at this stage of 2023 that I realised I was in a completely different life stage than my age dysmorphia would have me believe.

I no longer “live for the weekend” or disregard the weekdays as mere stepping stones to Friday night. For me, it’s so important spending my evening doing something I enjoy. Whether that’s writing, walking, heading to the gym or watching the latest release on a streamer. I mean, have you seen “The Bear” yet?

Domesticated > Intoxicated

But that aside, when it comes to the weekend, god I do love it. My typical Saturday routine looks like a trip to the gym, a stop in the nearby coffee shop for a caramel latte and a croissant then a trip into town. I like getting everything sorted for the week on a Saturday afternoon from cleaning to washing and ironing. But this domesticated life I lead on a Saturday takes a whole new identity on a Sunday.


Sunday - a day I used to dread and loathe because it meant the weekend was officially over. But now my Sunday is one of the best days of the week with long walks, trips to town, a delightful 5pm beverage and a well spent evening. Is this what being 26 looks like, not wanting to spend your Sunday dying of a hangover and wanting to make the most of your precious free couple of days? If it is, I am totally okay with that.


To all the lonely Starbucks lovers


Hello Sunshine