It’s Officially That Season

An image of a christmas tree with presents underneath

The festive season is well and truly upon us. With Black Friday just passed, and Cyber Monday looming, the pressure of Christmas spending has landed. There will be the invites to party nights, the Christmas markets and of course, the art of gift giving.

Personally, I love Christmas and the build up to it. It’s a stunning time of year with the decorations and lights and a time when everything slows down with family and friends. It’s also a chance for me to actually get to see my friends as everyone returns to Armagh for one week and one week only.

However, I fully appreciate that for some people Christmas comes with a sense of dread due to familial, social or financial stress. In this blog, I will discuss my thoughts on why we feel so much pressure during this time of year and some ways you can enjoy the festive season without breaking the bank at expensive nights out or get togethers.

‘Tis the season of ✨ pressure ✨

In my view, a lot of the pressure we place on ourselves stems from my favourite, you guessed it, social media. We are constantly reminded of how much fun everyone else is having out and about so why aren’t you doing the same?

From mid-November, marketing teams around the world are starting to send emails that allude to savings and covering the costs associated with presents, fancy foods and Christmas outfits. You may be starting to think about how the hell you’re going to afford all of this when you live pay check to pay check without these ‘necessities’ already.

I have seen some anonymous posts on Instagram where people say friends are falling out with them by not opting to go to the latest festive event. Whether it’s a screening of Love Actually or a trip ice skating, it’s not personal, it’s financial. Everyone knows how expensive leaving the house is, especially this year. Read on below for some inspiration on managing some of these expenses.

A Day/Night at the Movies

I constantly have to tell myself that I live in Liverpool, I’m not on my holidays here. You think after nearly 2 years I would realise this. But my advice is universal wherever you live. You don’t have to be doing something every weekend. Contrary to popular opinion, you also don’t have to spend December sampling £6-8 mulled wines across the country.

Take a leaf from my book, have a day or night at the movies from the comfort of your own home. Let’s also cut the crap here, Instagram would have you believe that you can only have a ‘movie night in’ if you’ve got 30 foot projector, a buffet of popcorn, sweets and a plush room sized sofa. Newsflash, people have been watching movies from home for the past century without strings of fairy lights over their living room and so can you!

If you don’t have access to the paid for streaming services, don’t worry. BBC iPlayer, All 4, ITVX and My5 have multiple movies and series for you to choose from and they’re free to access. Make yourself comfortable and enjoy a movie marathon.

The Best Things in Life are Free 💸

So no one can come at me for advising movie marathons every weekend in December I will also include a healthy option. And that is the oldest and most trusted exercise method in the world, go for a bloody walk. My city life revolves around walking. Walk to the shop, walk to the gym, walk to listen to your favourite podcast, audiobook or song. You get it.

So, during Christmas why not organise walks with friends and family to see the beautiful Christmas lights decorating towns and cities? There’s something about getting all wrapped up and heading out into the city centre to soak up the festive atmosphere and do my favourite activity, people watching.

If you don’t want to spend money on coffees or alcoholic beverages, take them with you on your walk! Fill up a travel mug with your favourite hot drink and sip away. Or if you’re feeling like some wine, simply add that instead to your travel mug. I mean, who’s going to know, really? Disclaimer: please drink responsibly. As an avid wine drinker I am boycotting glasses of wine when out as in most restaurants and bars they cost £10-13 for this measly measure. Don’t they know that half the bottle should fit in one glass? Strange.

Lay off the social media* 📲

During the weekend I did a very therapeutic thing. I completely culled my Instagram following that wasn’t serving me and was generally making me feel bad. I followed so many influencers and brands that made me think how shit my clothes were, how I needed (that word again) a capsule collection wardrobe and that my trusty Estée Lauder Double Wear foundation was ruining my skincare. The latter is an immediate eviction.

We all know of the curse of comparison on social media. Why does my hair not look like that, how do they afford to be out every Saturday night and why can’t I have a pair of Adidas Gazelles in every colour? Questions I ask myself in the mirror every morning. Double this at Christmas time, but no more!

Say it with me, social media is not real, social media is nonsense, social media is designed to make you spend money. The latter is ten fold at Christmas time. My sponsored ads are thriving at the minute. I am being told to buy a Dyson Hair Wrap, or maybe a Dyson Dupe or literally anything on Shein. It’s intense out there, stay strong folks.

Have Perspective 👀

This is my most important point in the entire blog. Everything I’ve spoken about above, is absolute first world problems. Have some perspective this Christmas, think of all the families in Gaza who are literally being obliterated. Yes, our problems can be very serious and our worries are completely understandable. But most of the time, we’re living in a little bubble. I know I am massively, so don’t worry about not being able to go to Winter Wonderland this year, there is always next.

Without trying to sound like a pretentious idiot, Christmas genuinely isn’t about presents, or sales, or discounts, or returns policies. It’s about spending time with people that you love and want to be around. You don’t have to conform at Christmas. If you don’t want to get out of your pyjamas, don’t. If you want to wear a sparkly dress and a full face of makeup, do. If you don’t want a feed of turkey, you don’t have to do that either. It’s society, social media and capitalism that tells us we need these things. Try and make the decision for yourself. ✨


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