
Over the years I’ve collected dozens of journals filled with stories, memories, secrets and nonsense. When I learned about the stream of consciousness in English Literature little did I think that The Butcher Boy by Patrick McCabe would be the narrative style of my life.

When I say journals, I mean beautiful books with decorative covers, usually from TK Maxx. For a long time, I considered them “too nice” to write in and that I’d keep them for “good”. Until I had 10 blank books and no feelings, plans or to-do lists written down. I still have decorative Peter Rabbit writing paper that Santa Claus got me for Christmas that I still consider too precious to use. I’ll probably have to brush the dust off it by the time I get around to using it.

Sometimes pictures shouldn’t say anything

Everyone says that a picture says a thousand words and whilst that can be true, isn’t it more accurate that a journal is literally a thousand words? When I look back on notes and thoughts I’ve written over my young adult life I am immediately taken back to that period, they’re like a vivid time capsule.

It’s needless to say that writing is my favourite thing to do, I wouldn’t have this website if this wasn’t true. It’s my work, my passion and my release. Writing helps organise your thoughts and sometimes through our stream of consciousness we write things we never thought we’d say or feel, it’s incredible.

Who couldn’t write 6-8 epic novels like it’s no big deal?

Writing is the basis of everything around us, it was the Game of Thrones, Harry Potter, and Lord of the Rings books that came before the films and series. It’s the countless first and last drafts that create our favourite songs, raps and plays. All of these mediums are influenced by the creators’ lives, history and society. Everything written by someone is unique as it’s their thoughts and ideas.

National Day on Writing 2022

Today, the 20th of October, marks National Day on Writing, a day to raise awareness about the importance of writing for literacy. Whilst many people don’t use pen and paper anymore, I am not in this cohort just yet (promise I recycle), as most people’s writing takes place digitally. This could be tweeting, posting on social media, instant messaging or sending emails.

Writing/typing our words is a primary way some people communicate. We can convey emotions such as happiness, anger or frustration this way. Social media is the perfect example where words can either uplift or tear down.

Celebrities and influencers often say that the words used by trolls in their comments or messages seriously impact their mental well-being. Words can be weapons, and that is something that shouldn’t be taken lightly.

Language is constantly evolving

According to Language Monitor, 14 new words are added to the English language every day. New words and phrases are being created daily and used in different ways. Gen Z has evolved language with colloquiums as they are the first generation of 100% digital natives. This is, the first generation of people born into the digital era, they never knew life without the internet. Their language has been influenced by this and instant messaging which has filled their conversations with abbreviations, acronyms and shorthand.

In addition to this, Gen-Z borrow words from different cultures and sub-cultures aided by the rise of influencers from a broad range of backgrounds. I know in my house you would sometimes think the Armagh natives are from London with their “roadman” slang, and things do get interesting when they use these phrases with the parents.

Copy, creativity, chicken

I couldn’t talk about the importance of writing without mentioning the impact of copywriting on advertising and marketing campaigns. As a content marketer, I know that engaging, correct, and relevant copy is essential for every brand. You want to be credible, authentic and unique. You can have the most striking visual concept for an advert, but without text, this lacks context. 21 inspiring examples of copywriting can be seen here and I’ve provided a famous campaign below from KFC.

So FCK’in good!

This print ad from KFC was distributed to share that Kentucky Fried Chicken was experiencing chicken shortages. Three letters with so much impact.

“Write”, let’s get down to business

Today, the hashtag #WhyIWrite, should be trending on social media. To answer the question, I write because it makes me happy, sometimes sad but it always makes me feel. I write because I’m a content marketer and it’s the primary focus of my job. I write because I love it. When social media and the internet are constantly telling you to do one thing and be a certain way, writing is the only thing that tears through the constant noise for me.

So, why do you write?


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