I’d like to Present

There is no time like the present. Sometimes you just need to take the plunge and act. There never is the “right time” to do something and if you continue to wait for that opportunity, the time will pass you by. So, I’d like to present my brand new blog, The O Word.

The O Word is not a niche, it is not a marketing blog or fashion or travel. It is a collection of articles from my thoughts (that may focus on all of the above at some time). Often we’re told to silo our thoughts into one niche, and it is a huge pressure to try and find this area to write about.

But when your writing is a passion project that you want to do just because you love it - you can write anything you want.

The O Word is a safe space where like-minded people can read, share opinions and connect. I’m so proud of my little corner of the internet (I even bought the domain name to prove it!).


Let’s go to the Beach


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